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The Mystery of Light 
I highly recommend this biography .
It  clearly describes, the opinions en thoughts of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.
If you're interested in the power of thoughts ,purification and Yoga from the view of western teacher this book will interest you .
I don't agree with  all the opinions in this book , for example the opinion on sensuality ; the opinions of Sondra Ray, Anselm Grun and Kimberley Marooney ( Angel Anael )  ,which books I also will recommend ,more refelect my opinions on this matter .
Still this book is very much worth reading ,because it reveals some ancient wisdom , that was kept secret
This was my first book about visualization . I asked for a simple book that will introduce visualization , and this book was recommended.
Shakti Gawain has read  books , which she recommends; for example " a course in Miracles" and  books of Sondra Ray .
I think this book is a good , simple and easy to read introduction to creating what you want in live .
It's  interesting what has to say about visualization .
Check their website ;they believe that everything ,you experience ,is based on hypnosis and that you can dehypnotize yourselve ,visualization is then no longer needed ,because you can create  instantly what you want , if you still want it in the dehypnotized state .
But I still think visualization is a usefull step in spiritual development and dehypnosis  is a step further .
Just like concentration ( dharana ) is important in yoga and meditation ( dhyana ) is a step further . But the "steps" that are  lower for example pranayama and asanas stay   just as important as the higher "steps", I think, especially if you haven't completely mastered them ,and if you want to develop in Harmony .For example if you have learned to meditate and you haven't completely mastered breathing ,then problems breathing will keep you from developing and unfolding your true potential .

RPTministries Á¤ÅÂÈ« ¸ñ»ç

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