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6_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!
Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!


The Psychological Way

Gothard's concept of "accepting" one's physical defects teaches that God deliberately made people with deformities in order to glorify Himself. Notwithstanding Exodus 4:11, John 9 teaches that the defective gene pool caused by the Fall is the original cause of all deformities, all of which God allows to occur and then may choose to use to His glory. The Biblical teaching is quite different than Gothard's concept of God being some kind of gruesome author of physical defects, through which the recipient of the defect is to love himself anyway. (See the Gothard publication Secrets to Self-Acceptance, as well as page 122 of the Rebuilder's Guide.)
Gothard also teaches that one's undue concern for clothes may be an attempt to cover up or compensate for unchangeable physical features that the person has rejected. He claims that Jesus linked these two thoughts in Matthew 6:27-28 ("Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment?"). Gothard makes it sound as though Jesus is addressing the problem of shame over unwanted blemishes, a big nose, or the like. A glance at the context, however, reveals that Jesus had nothing of the sort in mind, but instead was addressing the sin of habitual worry (Matt. 6:25). "Jesus by no means was linking the two thoughts of clothing and a poor self-image, but by teaching that He was, Gothard also commits the error of anachronistic (chronologically misplaced) reasoning, by 'projecting' (if you will) the assumptions of 20th century psychology onto the teachings of Jesus" ("A Study in Evolving Fadism: The Dangerous Leanings of Bill Gothard's Teachings," The Quarterly Journal of Personal Freedom Outreach, April-June 1996).

Gothard teaches a methodology for birthing godly children, which is not only unscientific, but borders on the occult. Through what he calls "Pre-Birth Training," Gothard encourages pregnant mothers to read the Bible to the embryos in their wombs for the purpose of relaxing the embryo and for teaching it Biblical truth (supposedly "subconsciously" -- sounds like communication with the Freudian unconscious)!17 But a newborn baby can't even understand the Bible, how can an embryo? Of course, it can't, unless one believes in the thoroughly discredited concept of the Freudian unconscious. The extent to which Gothard carries opinion, seemingly made Scriptural, is far beyond what any reputable scientist would confirm.

Gothard continues to promote the pop psychology idea that birth order is a key determinant of human personality traits. The "birth order" concept has long been a favorite of psychologists such as humanist Alfred Adler. However, numerous studies have now shown this idea to be pure myth. [See pp. 235-237 of Prophets of PsychoHeresy II (reissued as James Dobson's Gospel of Self-Esteem & Psychology), by Martin & Deidre Bobgan.]
Nevertheless, in an IBLP publication Secrets to Self-Acceptance, Gothard teaches that, "Every child has special characteristics, tendencies, and needs which are directly related to his or her birth order. [The words, "Every child," and "directly related," certainly have the ring of an ordinal purist.] ... By accepting my birth order, I am able to bring my tendencies under the control of the Holy Spirit, thus avoiding the destructive rivalry and bitterness which often occurs among family members" (p. 6). (Emphasis added.) Not satisfied with merely attributing the cause of various problems of life to one's birth order (inside front cover), Gothard even (blasphemously) applies the birth order concept to the life of Christ; i.e., Gothard teaches that some of Christ's character traits are indicative of His being a first-born! (p. 19). What Gothard has done is to read into Scripture an unproven idea in the same way Minirth, Meier and other psychological integrationists "prove" that the Freudian ego-defense mechanisms are found in the Bible.

Gothard's teachings on self are also extremely psychological in nature -- the "Self-Image" section of his Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts (IBYC) notebook is titled "Acceptance of Self." While Gothard's defenders claim that the self-acceptance focus of the ministry exclusively addresses how one should respond correctly to physical defects, in reality, well over 50% of the material in the aforementioned notebook section focuses upon "forming attitudes about ourselves." There is a two-page table entitled "Evidences of Self-Rejection" (which would perhaps be better titled "Evidences of Self-Love"), which claims that the Bible teaches all of the following (all emphases added):

(a) "... if we cannot love ourselves in the right way, we will also find it difficult to love others in the right way. 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself' (Mt. 19:19)."
(b) "Complaints about unchangeable physical features, abilities, parentage, and social heritage are significant indications of self-rejection."
(c) A "perfectionist" usually is a person with unhealthy self-rejection.
(d) People who worry about clothing have inferiority complexes. (This is a typical example of Gothard's theology -- he moves from experience to doctrine, from illustrations to principles and full-blown teachings.)
(e) What the Bible calls "pride" is actually humility in disguise -- "A person who appears superior is actually a person who inwardly feels inferior but is trying to narrow his field of comparison."
(f) "Self-worth increases as we make significant contributions to the body of Christ."
And in a more recent Gothard publication, Secrets to Self-Acceptance, not being able to accept oneself, or rejecting oneself, is classified as a defining cause of failure to love one's wife (inside front cover), and is cited as evidence of one's rejection of God! (pp. 16-17 & 23). Moreover, the symptoms of self-rejection are claimed to be communicated to the next generation (a kind of "ancestral" inferiority?) (p. 18). A list of 42 symptoms is given for the reader to determine if he has rejected himself, but has been covering it up (p. 24). Another Gothard selfism along these same lines:18
"Failure to properly love myself causes me to be unable to properly love others. ... Self-worth comes by knowing that I have a vital function within the body of Christ. ... Self-acceptance is the basis for glorifying God and being conformed to the image of Christ" (p. 23).

Moreover, much of what Gothard teaches on basic "needs" is strikingly similar to that taught by so-called Christian psychologist Dr. Larry Crabb. [Crabb's model of counseling is primarily a psychological system of unconscious needs motivating behavior, which is derived from Freudian (the unconscious being a hidden reservoir of the mind with drives and impulses which govern a person's thinking and behavior) and humanistic psychology (with its hierarchy of needs, with great emphasis on so-called emotional needs).] Gothard, like Crabb, sees man as having to meet three primary needs: acceptance, security, and meaning/significance. Approximately 10% of the Rebuilder's Guide is devoted to Gothard's teachings on need identification and satisfaction (pp. 128-153 & 204).
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Last, but not least, Bill Gothard has promoted (and continues to promote) a Mormon by the name of Dr. Michael Ballam, who appears to be heavily influenced by New Age principles and psychological therapies. Dr. Ballam produces self-help tapes known as "Music and the Mind." In the mid-1990s, it is reported that Gothard's Institute promoted the teachings of Michael Ballam at a pastors' conference of about 1,000. Ballam's "Music and the Mind" audiotapes speak of such psychological and/or New Age/occultic concepts as "alpha levels," "right brain-left brain," and "planetary vibration tones," and give glowing testimony of children who were having extreme difficulty in school, then become excellent students and/or geniuses, thus reaching their highest potential, by mindfully listening to "special music" utilizing Ballam's so-called "music therapy." 
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As of February 2004, Gothard continues to promote Dr. Ballam by offering Ballam's "Music and the Mind" audiocassettes on his website. Ballam's website promotes the concept of "Inspiration," which clearly implies that Our Lord Jesus was merely a channeler of power and/or energy in order to do His miracles. Equating Jesus Christ's miracle working power with the unique abilities of famous composers, Ballam's website states: "The powers from which all truly great composers like Mozart, Schubert, Bach and Beethoven drew their inspiration is the same power that enabled Jesus to work his miracles. It is the power that created our earth and the whole universe." (Emphasis added.) Ballam also gives credence on his website to such New Age concepts as biofeedback, guided imagery, meditative exercises, and all manner of self-empowerment techniques. [In a personal phone conversation with a concerned Christian in early-1998, Gothard defended his promotion of Ballam by saying he (Gothard) "was just trying to show the negative influences of Rock Music."]


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220 18 10_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 736
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218 18 8_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 699
217 18 7_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 562
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