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5_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!
Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!


The Gothard "System" (a.k.a. "Gothardism")

Gothard's Institute has in fact become a system unto itself. This system covers teaching on counseling, ministry, home, family, worship, church structure, divorce, adoption, dating, even hiring a church secretary. A whole church ministry program can be set up with a Gothard minister's manual. Some of that system, Gothard suggests, should be introduced into the church as curriculum. Even with a cursory examination, one gets the feeling that Gothard's system is much like the legal system of the Pharisees -- legislating, dictating, directing, and regulating just about every phase, every aspect, every move, every eventuality of life. Not much is left to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, sanctified creativity, or just informed choice. (Source: "A Study in Evolving Fadism: The Dangerous Leanings of Bill Gothard's Teachings," The Quarterly Journal of Personal Freedom Outreach, April-June 1996.)
In a 1974, 22-page comprehensive analysis of Gothard's ministry by Dr. E. Robert Jordan (Chancellor of Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary at the time), 15 reasons were listed "Why Fundamentalist Baptists Should Not Cooperate With Bill Gothard's Institute In Basic Youth Conflicts." Problem areas included Gothard's secrecy, salvation views, chain-of-command teaching, use of Freudian psychology, interdenominationalism, new evangelical jargon, and many doctrinal aberrations.
Gothard's seminars are "a mixture of human psychology and Scripture with emphasis upon 'problem' solving, correcting poor self-image, and developing wholesome self-concepts.10 The ministry does not draw clear-cut lines of demarcation regarding ecclesiastical separation, and his audiences are made-up largely of neo-evangelicals, the unconverted, charismatics, and naive, uninformed fundamentalists." Gothard's seminars are a duplicate in the teaching field of what Billy Graham does ecumenically in the evangelistic field. (Reported in the 4/1/90, Calvary Contender.)
Gothard's "system" places a heavy emphasis upon adapting Biblical principles/laws to Christian living, with the assumption that if one follows these principles/laws/steps, he's got the formula well in hand for leading a successful Christian life.11 (See examples on p. 32 of IBLP's Secrets to Self-Acceptance, and pp. 22-28 and 119-124 of the Rebuilder's Guide -- Gothard seems to have a seven-step program for just about everything.12) But "the system" smacks of legalism and putting the believer back under Old Testament law,13 and thereby, it is quite similar to the Theonomist heresy (i.e., that all the Old Testament laws given to Israel, except the ceremonial laws, are applicable today) espoused by the Reconstructionists.14 In fact, Gothard has stated that one does not even need to be a Christian to benefit from his seminars. The seminars are aimed at helping people be more successful where they are (i.e., "These principles apply to all: Jews, Christians, and Atheists." [4/26/74, St. Paul Dispatch]).15 Gothard seems to be using the Bible as a success course for all people.

In actuality, Gothard has substituted his laws for the Law of God. The New Testament is clear that we are unable to keep the Law of God, and that one of the purposes of the Law was to show us our need for a Savior. Given that, why should we expect to be able to keep the principles and laws of Gothard? Gothard replaces the sovereignty of God and a personal relationship with Him with formulas and principles. A former Gothardite puts it well: "Gothard's system is one whereby our actions or inaction and adherence to his principles make God pleased with us. I believe that Scripture teaches that God desires us to live lives free of sin, but my position before Him is totally dependent upon the Blood of Jesus and the utterly and totally finished work of the cross. Gothard has created his own Mishna, and in the process, has created a cult of neo-Pharisees. Paul referred to men like Gothard as dogs and mutilators of the flesh (Philippians 3:2) when they tried to put new believers back under the Jewish law. Bill Gothard has merely substituted his Institute's principles for the written and oral/rabbinical Jewish law."16

À­±Û 6_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!
¾Æ·¡±Û 4_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!
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216 18 6_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 522
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212 18 2_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 625
211 18 1_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 557
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