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1_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!

Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED!
By Biblical Discernment Ministries

General Teachings/Activities

Born November 2, 1934, Bill Gothard has two academic degrees from Wheaton College (B.A. 1957; M.A. 1961). His Master's thesis was entitled, "A Proposed Youth Program for Hi-Crusader Clubs." (Gothard's website now says: "Bill wrote his master's thesis at Wheaton Graduate School on seven Biblical, non-optional principles of life which, when followed, will result in harmonious relationships in all areas of life.")
At one point, he devoted 35 hours per week to youth work with a Chicago missionary society while still a full-time student at Wheaton, 25 miles away. For approximately 15 years, he worked with teenage gangs in the Chicago area. He was ordained in the LaGrange Bible Church in suburban Chicago. [Bill Gothard has never married. "There have been reports of major problems developing from this position, but the real problem is that his ministry has become a family ministry and he has never had a family. He is the coach who never played the game" (Pastor Bob Cosby letter).]
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In 1964, Gothard developed a six-day seminar that became known as the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts (officially "founded" in 1973). The name of Gothard's organization was changed in 1990 to the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP). The adult/teen seminar ("The Basic Seminar") is still called the Seminar in Basic Youth Conflicts. Gothard presents this seminar in person, or on videotape, in cities all across America. The 32-hour Basic Seminar outlines and elaborates on the seven basic principles, which Bill Gothard describes as Biblical and non-optional. Once a person attends this seminar, he becomes an "alumni" entitled to go to future Basic Seminars at no cost, and to other seminars at reduced cost. The Basic Seminar is now presented over a period of four evenings and one full day, for a total of 30 hours.
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Although it was not unusual in the 1970s for Gothard to pack-out auditoriums with capacities of 10,000 to 20,000 people, attendance at his seminars today pales when compared with two decades ago. (The height of the seminars' popularity came in 1982 and 1983, when they reached 300,000 in annual attendance. Today, a crowd of 3,000 is considered large for an individual seminar.) Nevertheless, Gothard's influence remains. It is estimated that there are more than 2.5 million red notebook-carrying "alumni" (which is in keeping with the image of "educator" that Gothard seeks to project), and he has a mailing list of approximately 90,000 pastors.1 (Recently, IBLP has formed Life Study Groups. Groups of 10 or more may conduct any one of IBLP's seminars privately for a per-participant fee.)
IBLP operates with a paid staff of about 300 out of its Oak Brook, Illinois headquarters. The organization reported revenue of more than $19.4 million and assets of more than $34.7 million on its 1998 tax returns, the most recent report available. (Gifts have totaled $70 million through the first half of 2000, the largest being the use of a 2,200-acre former university campus near Tyler, Texas, used by Gothard's ALERT program). The Institute's highest-paid employee earns $47,880. Gothard himself reports having received just $12,000 in salary and $18,000 in expenses in 1998. In 2000, Gothard says he will make $15,000. (This information is sketchy and outdated, because Gothard does not make financial information readily available.)
In addition to the Basic Seminar, IBLP also runs more than 60 other ministries, including conducting an Advanced Seminar, Children's Seminars (1992) (ages 6-12 -- "The Children's Institute in Basic Life Principles"), the Anger Resolution Seminar, the Financial Freedom Seminar, the Marriage Oneness Seminar (Secrets to the Ultimate Marriage), and special Legislative, Medical, and special training for public and private school teachers [ATI (1984) -- Advanced Training Institute home-based education program].
In addition, IBLP has a home school curriculum (through ATI using the Wisdom Booklet series [52 booklets]);2 operates the Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy (1994); operates the Telos Institute (1997) (a post-secondary, distance learning degree program), Excel (training for young women), and Verity (distance learning undergraduate degree); conducts "All Day Ministers' Seminars";3 and publishes a quarterly journal, Life Purpose: A Journal of God's Power in Us. Community ministries include orphanages, the Log Cabin program for troubled youths, ALERT, CharacterLink, and Character First!. (See Note on IBLP programs and affiliated organizations.)
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227 18 City Council Debates Indianapolis Traini.. 713
226 18 Culture Wars 569
225 18 Character training riles DCF workers 620
224 18 DCF Urges Spread of Character Program 727
223 18 Character First! won't improve staff mor.. 551
222 18 State Releases Findings into Indianapoli.. 614
221 18 Cult of Character 642
220 18 10_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 736
219 18 9_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 577
218 18 8_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 698
217 18 7_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 562
216 18 6_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 522
215 18 5_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 561
214 18 4_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 623
213 18 3_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 559
212 18 2_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 625
211 18 1_Bill Gothard's Heresies EXPOSED! 557
210 1 ÁÖ¼­Åà ³»ÀûÄ¡À¯_"¾Æ·¡·ÎºÎÅÍÀÇ ¿µ¼º"À» Ãß.. 1036
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